The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC) is currently recruiting family physicians to help them appraise clinical practice guidelines developed by other organizations. If you are interested or know a colleague who may be interested in critically appraising guidelines for the CTFPHC, please continue reading to receive more information and an application form.
How to become an appraiser?
- If you are interested in critically appraising guidelines for the CTFPHC, please complete the following steps:
- Contact Sabrina Jassemi at jassemisa@smh.ca for an information sheet and application form.
- Read the information sheet for details about critical appraisals tasks and time commitment
- Please complete the application form and return it to us along with a copy of yourCV outlining your experience with guideline development and appraisal (prior experience with developing and/or appraising guidelines is not necessarily required). Please submit completed applications and CVs to Sabrina Jassemi at jassemisa@smh.ca
- Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and applicants will be notified within two weeks from the date of when the application is received.
What is the role of an appraiser?
If you are selected and you choose to become an appraiser for the CTFPHC, you will first receive training on using a validated guideline appraisal tool (i.e., AGREE II). No prior experience is necessary. The training will take place online and will involve reading theAGREE II user’s guide and completing practice guideline appraisals. You will be eligible to earn Mainpro-M2 credits for completing the training activities.
Once you have completed your training, you will be invited to appraise up to three guidelines per year. When appraising a guideline, you will receive a copy of the guideline and appraise it using the AGREE II tool. You will have two weeks to submit your appraisal and all tasks will be completed online. You will be eligible to receive Mainpro-M1 credits for each guideline that you appraise.
If you have questions about the application process or know a colleague who may be interested in critically appraising guidelines for the CTFPHC, please email Sabrina Jassemi (Research Assistant) at jassemisa@smh.ca or (416) 864-6060 x76217.