The Bill Silverman Prize, named after one of the founding members of American neonatal medicine, is an award presented annually at the Cochrane Colloquium. The aim of the award is to acknowledge the value of critisicm of The Cochrane Collaboration in terms of improving its work. The prize is given to an author of publication or presentation that evaluates Cochrane Reviews or other work of The Collaboration.
Here is the eligibility criteria for publications:
- Published in the past 12 months
- Evalautes any aspect of the preparation, maintenance or dissemenation of Cochrane Reviews or other works of The Cochrane Collaboration
- Is of high quality
- Accompanied by constructive suggestions on how the relevant aspects of the work of The Cochrane Collaboration could be improved
- Has had, or is likely to have, a positive impact on the scientific quality, relevance and use of Cochrane Reviews
The prize is a cash reward of 1000 US dollars and a certificate, and winners will be announced at the Cochrane Colloquium in Auckland. Nominations can be made by anyone, including authors of the publication. To read more about the Bill Silverman Prize and to submit a nomination, click here.