Cochrane Library


The major product of The Collaboration is the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), which is published monthly as part of Cochrane Library. There are currently over 6000 Cochrane Reviews and 2300 protocols housed in the CDSR.

Cochrane Library also contains five other databases which are automatically included in your search of the Library:

  • The Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects
  • The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)
  • The Cochrane Methodology Register
  • The NHS Economic Evaluation Database
  • Health Technology Assessment Database 

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  • Podcasts from Cochrane Library
    - Audio summaries of selected Cochrane Reviews
  • Cochrane Journal Club
    - Free, monthly publication that introduces a recent Cochrane Review along with relevant background information, a podcast explaining the key points, discussion questions and downloadable PowerPoint slides
  • Cochrane Summaries
    - Plain Language Summaries of Cochrane Reviews available by topic or review title


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The 2013 Impact Factor has been calculated for the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), and according to the numbers, Cochrane's impact is on the rise.

The CDSR scored 5.939, placing it in the top ten journals in the ’Medicine, General & Internal’.. The total number of times the CDSR was cited increased from 34,230 in 2012 to 39,856 meaning the CDSR receives the 6th highest number of citations in its category. The 5 year impact factor is 6.706, an increase on 6.553 last year. Find more details and an explanation of the impact factor here.

Interactive map: Click here to view an interactive map of the 200+ countries with access to The Cochrane Library and information on their usage, such as the top downloaded Cochrane Reviews.


National License Access to Cochrane Library for all Canadians