What's your story? Tell us your Cochrane story for a chance to win an iPad, a $500 Amazon.ca gift certificate, or a $250 Amazon.ca gift certificate

What's your story?
Cochrane evidence influencing real-life decisions.

Cochrane Changes Lives.

We want to hear from you!

We know the evidence found in Cochrane Reviews is used every day by health practitioners, consumers/patients, carers, and policy-makers all over the world to make health treatment and health system decisions. We want to hear how you've used Cochrane evidence to make your decisions, whether they be clinical, personal, policy-related, or involving any other area.

Participate for Prizes!
Not only will you be helping us by submitting your stories, but each participant will be awarded a $5 Starbucks gift certificate as our thanks to you.

We will also award a third prize of a $250 Amazon.ca gift certificate, a second prize of a $500 Amazon.ca gift certificate, and a grand prize of an iPad to the authors of the stories selected as the top three submissions.

Participants are allowed and encouraged to submit more than one story.

Submissions will be accepted in both French and English.

The contest closes at 4 p.m. EDT, Monday 30 June 2014.

Find more information and submit your story here.